New Way (Album)

English Worship Album

"New Way," our first English album, consists of four original songs and one hymn arrangement. Reflective and uplifting, these songs were birthed out of a desire to worship and draw closer to God. Chord charts of all the songs are available for free download, and our hope is that this album would minister to both the individual and the corporate body of Christ.

DemoTitleTime PPTChord ChartBuy MP3 /
1Come Thou Fount4:00PDF
3Let Every Generation4:34PDF
Picture of New Way (Album) 光碟 CD
New Way (Album) 光碟 CD
English Worship Album
Picture of New Way (Album) 數碼專輯 Digital Album
New Way (Album) 數碼專輯 Digital Album
數碼專輯包含專輯內所有歌曲的MP3檔案,CD封面及小冊子的PDF檔案。超值附加歌詞PPT檔案及和絃譜。Digital album includes MP3 files of all the songs, CD insert PDF, PPT files and chord charts.