A complete worship music resource for fellowship, small group, and personal use. The set consists of four CDs that include 38 classical and contemporary favorites with both vocal and instrumental tracks, ten lyrics books, transparencies master, as well as worship arrangement samples and suggestions.
主若是 If He is
每一天 Day by Day
和散那 Hosanna
感謝主 Thank You, Lord
一件禮物 A Gift
只因有愛 Because of Love
主治萬方 Jesus Shall Reign
如鹿切慕 As the Deer
你真偉大 How Great Thou Art
你是我神 You are my God
我心頌讚 Praise of My Heart
快樂崇拜 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
奇異恩典 Amazing Grace
野地的花 Flowers of the Field
當你禱告 When You Pray
與主同在 In His Presence
獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice
多一點喜樂 A Little More Joy
在我心深處 Deep, Deep Down
永恆的答問 The Eternal Answer
改變我心意 Change my Heart, O God
耶和華是愛 Jehovah is Love
認識你,耶穌 Knowing You, Jesus
一生在神手中 My Times are in Your Hand
一切歌頌讚美 Honor, Praise and Glory
生命屬於你,主 My Life is in You, Lord
聖哉,聖哉,聖哉 Holy, Holy, Holy
詩篇三十二篇 Psalm 32
最知心的朋友 My Dearest Friend is Jesus
獻上感恩的心 Give Thanks
主,我高舉你的名 Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
在這僅存的年間 In Times Like These
我知誰掌管明天 I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
在主愛裡我們合一 The Bond of Love
詩篇一百三十三篇 Psalm 133
哦,主耶穌你深長的愛 Deep, Deep Love
我以禱告來到你跟前 Into Your Presence, Lord I Come
我要唱耶和華的大慈愛 I will Sing of the Mercies