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國語詩歌 Mandarin Songs
粵語詩歌 Cantonese Songs
英語詩歌 English Songs
器樂演奏 Instrumental Pieces
樂譜 Sheet Music
國語詩歌 Mandarin Songs
粵語詩歌 Cantonese Songs
英語詩歌 English Songs
器樂演奏 Instrumental Pieces
器樂獨奏 Solo Pieces
心頌聖詩 Hymns
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Ministry Through Worship
Ministry Through Music Education
Event Calendar
Your Support
電子出版 Digital Publications
國語詩歌 Mandarin Songs
你是我神 (小組國語詩歌) You are my God (Small Group Mandarin Song)
你是我神 (小組國語詩歌) You are my God (Small Group Mandarin Song)
小組伴唱專輯之一 Small Group Worship 1
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你是我神 (小組國語詩歌) You are my God (Small Group Mandarin Song) 原唱曲 Song
你是我神 (小組國語詩歌) You are my God (Small Group Mandarin Song) 伴奏曲 Soundtrack
你是我神 (小組國語詩歌) You are my God (Small Group Mandarin Song) 主旋律譜 Lead Sheet
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