New Heart Music Ministries is a non-profit organization committed to ushering and inviting God's people into the holy Presence of the Triune God by means of music in Christian Worship. Since there is no true worship unless a person is saved by faith in Jesus Christ, New Heart Music Ministries is committed to bearing witness for Christ through excellence in music education with a Christian distinctive in the community.
Many churches face the challenges of how to make the worship celebrative yet reverent, how to integrate the younger generation of worshipers with the older ones, how to blend newer praise choruses with more traditional hymns. On top of these challenges, Chinese churches in the United States also face the difficulties of integrating different language or dialect groups into the same service, and the lack of Chinese music resources, or Chinese translation of new hymns.
We believe God has called the New Heart Music Ministries to tackle some of these challenges and to meet some of these needs. For more than four years, God has developed the worship team in the Houston Chinese Church and He has blessed them with a ministry that makes impact. As we are starting to make some in-roads toward meeting the needs, we realized that it will take more than one or two people working full-time to develop this ministry. It will take the concerted effort of the whole team. But realistically, there is not a lot of churches that can support a worship team working full-time. We need a center where the musicians can work to provide for their livelihood and at the same time serving God through the development of this ministry.
We thank God for gifting our team members not only with first-rated musical skills, but also teaching skills. Therefore, the school is a center where the worship team members will be employed to teach and to develop the music ministry. We are not only a group who goes to different churches to lead worship and to share what we have learned in worship leading, but we are also a school which excels in quality music education with a Christian distinctive.
We strive to:
在創辦人鄭浩賢牧師的邀請和召集下,一個來自不同教會的牧師們和對敬拜讚美有負擔的弟兄姊妹們而組成的董事會也同時成立。一九九七年八月,甫自萊斯大學小提琴演奏博士學位畢業的余遠淳弟兄回應神的呼召,毅然放棄進入大學擔任小提琴教授和一個職業演出的生活,而成為新心音樂事工的第一位全職同工,策劃安排事工所需。一九九九年 八月,集音樂,工商管理,圖書管理,及達拉斯神學院教牧學博士學位於一身的鄭鎧賢姊妹,也應邀加入成為全職同工,在行政、製作、帶領讚美團隊、樂譜和敬拜手冊出版上,擔起繁重的工作。二零零二年8月,吉他好手曾以撒弟兄從巴西遷至休士頓並加入事工負責有關錄音工程、協助產品管理、和教授吉他與低音吉他等課程。事工創辦人鄭浩賢牧師,也在回應神的呼召下,離開在教會的全職音樂主任工作,於二零零三年加入事工,負責牧養、講道、和帶領聚會的工作。另一位全職同工李維孝弟兄則於二零零五年九月加入新心,主要負責教授小提琴、發展英語敬拜事工、及協助敬拜資源的創作。
事工另一發展重點,在於創作適合這世代華人教會使用的敬拜資源。我們至今巳發行了十五張國語敬拜專輯-『你是我神』、『看哪!你的神』、『竭誠獻上』、『真愛的代價』、『專心愛你』、『敬畏你的榮耀』、『讓全世界知道』、『主我要信靠你』 、『登上耶和華的山』、『牽我的手』、『心的歸屬』、『敬拜權能主』,『我定意跟從祢』,『英雄』,『盼望不熄』,八張粵語專輯-『燃燒為主』、『洪流砥柱』、『無盡感恩』、『全靠恩典』、『如鷹展翅』、『聖潔榮美』,『美好的仗』,『昂然起步』,聖誕專輯-『聖誕新心』,兩張純樂器詩歌演奏專輯-『心弦1-深長的愛』、『心弦2-與你同走過』,精選光碟『今天為主活』、聖詩光碟『聖詩新唱』、兩套團契/小組敬拜伴唱光碟『同心敬拜』、國語敬拜伴唱影碟『來敬拜!』、一套國語影碟『主領敬拜者訓練』、兩本收集了一百首聖詩的歌本『心頌』、新心國語詩歌簡譜版、及敬拜實況影碟。在我們創作或改編的詩歌裏,處處顯示出深厚的古典音樂基礎,再加上融合各式現代音樂的曲風處理,讓我們走出了傳統和現代敬拜音樂的藩籬。為著教會敬拜生活,我們也特別出版了合唱歌譜、樂器伴奏譜和伴唱光碟。
近幾年,我們更是投入完成一系列七本的敬拜手冊,期盼利用這些集敬拜神學和音樂技巧於一處的著作,來幫助個人或教會發展一個合乎聖經教導的音樂敬拜生活。七本手冊的主題是『主領敬拜者』、『敬拜團隊』、『鍵盤樂器』、『獨奏樂器』、 『吉他與貝斯』、『鼓』、及『編曲技巧』。
We are a group of musicians with classical music background from different countries and God brought us together in Houston. In December of 1992 while we were serving at Houston Chinese Church, we began to have a new awareness of the importance of worship and seek to improve our service. Besides equipping ourselves with more musical training, we devoted, more importantly, more time to personal worship. Our conviction is that unless we become worshiper of God, we will not be able to become good worship leaders. How can one lead the way without knowing it?
We experienced tremendous revivals in our lives in the following years and we also witnessed changes in the lives of our congregation. God's Presence becomes very real and, to us, He is not only a God whom we know intellectually but also a God whom we adore with our whole beings. This encounter propelled us to a relentless pursuit of personal holiness and the removal of all things that was obstructing our path to worship God.
In the summer of 1994, our worship leader Rev. Ephraim Cheng answered God's call into full-time ministry to be a music minister at Houston Chinese Church. During his personal worship, God spoke to him through the words of David to Solomon, "Be strong and of good courage, and do it, do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord. . . . and every willing craftsman will be with you for all manner of workmanship, for every kind of services." (I Chron. 28:20) The words "DO IT" urged him to offer his life as a sacrifice to Him for the specific task of worship-leading.
God was faithful to add to the worship team different godly and able members. As the ministry flourished, our team prayed for ways that we can be used by God to expand our ministry and to share our experiences with other churches. In November of 1995, all of our team members committed to a day of fasting and prayer to ask God for future direction. When Pastor Brian Lam of Fort Bend Community Church suggested that we should start a music ministry, we believed that this was an answer to our prayers.
We named this ministry as "New Heart Music Ministries" because we are convinced that no one can come to the Lord in worship unless a "new heart" is given to him by grace through faith.
By the grace of God, "New Heart Music Ministries" was established as a non-profit organization in 1997, and a board of trustees was also formed. In August of the same year, Dr. Yenn Chwen Er became the first full-time staff of the ministry. As the director, he oversees the ministry, and concentrates especially on composition and arrangement of songs. In August of 1999, Czarina Cheng, with a background in music, business administration, and library science, also answered God's call and joined the ministry. Her chief responsibilities include administration, publications, worship-leading, teaching and training. Isaque Tseng joined the ministry in August of 2002 as the Sound Engineer and Bass Guitar and Acoustic Guitar Instructor and Performer. With his diversified background in different types of music, he will be heading the recording department of the ministry. In January 2003, Rev. Ephraim Cheng, who was the founder and previous chairman of the Board, joined New Heart as the Music Pastor. He will oversee the spiritual life of the staff as well as serving as the worship leader and preacher in New Heart events. In September 2005, Jonathan Li joined us as the Music Instructor, his main responsibilities include teaching music lessons, developing and arranging music for youth and English worship, and editing materials for New Heart publications.
小提琴家、作曲家、編曲家,美國萊斯大學音樂博士。多年在英國及美國學習小提琴演奏,並在歐洲、亞洲及北美國家參與各大音樂節及音樂會的巡迴演出,在過去十年間受委託創作多首大型樂曲;新心的敬拜詩歌大多是他的創作及編曲。二零零二年擔任新加坡國家交響樂團的駐團作曲家,作品「Symphonia Anamneseos」在二零零二年十一月在新加坡舉行世界首演。一九九七年回應神的呼召,成為新心音樂事工創辦人之一,並出任總幹事一職至今,認為此乃神所賜他最高榮譽。
Violinist, Arranger, Composer. He spent many years in the United Kingdom and the United States perfecting his skills as a violinist, performed in festivals and concerts in Asia, Europe and the United States. He served as the Composer-in-Residence with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra in 2002 with more than a dozen commissions in the past ten years. In 1997, he was called to devote all his musical gifts in the service of God the Creator as one of the founding members and the Director of New Heart Music Ministries, which he has always considered the highest honor bestowed upon him.
Pastor, Baritone. Born in Hong Kong, and educated in the United States, he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Houston. He has accumulated over 10 years of teaching experience in various colleges and university in Houston. He is one of the founders of New Heart Music Ministries. In response to God's call, he dedicated himself to full-time Christian ministry leading people to know and respond to God through worship. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies. He served many years as the music minister of Fort Bend Community Church before he joined New Heart Music Ministries as a full-time music pastor in 2003.
Worship Leader, Drummer, Piano/Keyboard player, and New Heart "Worship Manual" series editor. She was born in Hong Kong. She received her bachelor degree in music at The University of Hong Kong, master degrees in business administration and library science in the United States. She also has a Doctor of Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary. She has served at the conductor of University of Hong Kong Union Choir, and she has also been actively involved in the worship ministries. She was called to dedicate her life in full-time Christian service in 1999. She is now utilizing the skills given by God in teaching, composing, recording, publishing, editing, and administration in New Heart Music Ministries.
吉他/貝斯手。出生於巴西,取得聖保羅大學工業工程學士。自小受南美音樂薰陶,彈奏吉他多年,是一位出色的吉他手。父親是牧師,自小便有機會在教會事奉並帶領敬拜。回應神的呼召離開巴西,於二零零二年八月參與新心音樂事工全時間服事。專責新心基督教音樂學院教授吉他和 貝斯課程,並為事工錄音工程師。
Guitarist and Bass Guitarist. Born in Brazil, he received his bachelor degree in industrial engineering from the University of Sao Paulo. He grew up under the influence of South-American music, and he is a remarkable guitarist. Since young, he has been actively involved in the church, in which his father is the pastor, serving as a worship leader. In August of 2002, he joined the New Heart Music Ministries as a full-time staff, serving as guitar & bass guitar instructor, and sound engineer.
Violinist, Guitarist, Arranger. Born in New York but raised in Houston, he received his bachelor of the arts degree in music theory from the University of Texas at Austin. He served as a part-time violin instructor at the New Heart School of Music while working at Chase Bank for three years. In September of 2005, he joined New Heart as a full-time staff member. His main responsibilities include teaching music lessons, developing and arranging music for youth and English worship, and editing materials for New Heart publications.
出生於馬來西亞,蔡鈞聖自五歲起開始接受音樂培訓。他分別於2003和2005年考獲英國皇家音樂院第八級樂理文憑和高級專業演奏文憑。之後他師從Timothy Hester,並獲頒休大音樂系鋼琴協作碩士文憑。他擁有超過十六年的鋼琴教學經驗,並幫助了許多學生在英國皇家音樂的鋼琴和樂理考試中考獲佳績。此外,他也擁有超過十五年的鋼琴伴奏經驗,曾在各項專業考試、演奏會、和比賽中與許多音樂人合作演出,並長期參與敬拜團隊的服事。他也曾到休斯頓和亞洲地區的不同教會中教授鋼琴伴奏和電子鍵盤課程。
Born in Malaysia, Joshua Chua started his musical training at the age of five. He was awarded the “A.B.R.S.M Grade 8 Music Theory” in 2003, and the “Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music” (L.R.S.M) in 2005. He also received his “Master of Music in Collaborative Piano” from Moores School of Music under Timothy Hester. He has more than sixteen years of piano teaching experience, and has helped numerous students achieve excellent results in A.B.R.S.M piano and theory exams. Besides, he has more than fifteen years of experience in collaborative piano performance, and has worked with numerous vocalists and instrumentalists in diploma exams, concerts, and competitions; as well as serving in worship music team. As an experienced church pianist and keyboardist, he had conducted workshops at different churches in Houston and Asia.
New Heart has led praise & worship concerts, evangelistic meetings, conferences/retreats, and Sunday services in many Chinese churches throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Through worship, we have witnessed God’s power to transform lives and renew minds in Christ.
Through classes offered at the New Heart Christian School of Music in Houston as well as our Singapore and Taiwan offices, we strive to equip Christians with musical skills so that they can serve in their respective churches with sensitivity and humility. We also partner with various seminaries and churches to offer classes, seminars, and music camps.
One of our primary goals is to produce CDs, songbooks, and other resources that will help churches and individuals to worship God. To date, New Heart has produced numerous Mandarin, Cantonese, Christmas, Instrumental, and Evangelistic worship albums. In addition, we have also produced DVDs, hymn books, worship manuals, and worship resources designed specifically for small groups.
he New Heart Music Ministries derives a portion of its income from the tuition it receives from the Music School and the distribution of its publication. The balance comes from contributions.
We will establish strict limitations on the way our resources are used.
We pledge not to try to raise more money than we need.
We will ask people not to support New Heart until their obligations to the local church have been met.