New Heart Music Ministries

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10815 Fallstone Road
Houston, TX 77099, USA
Tel: 1.281.568.0831
Fax: 1.281.568.4680

Blk 465, North Bridge Road, #02-5097, Singapore 191465
Tel: 65.6294.0108


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帶著一顆熱愛神與願意被神使用的心,一群在教會負責主領敬拜的基督徒音樂家了解到神給他們一個異象,要透過他們在音樂上的恩賜來將人帶到神的面前。他們深信唯有在基督耶穌裏重生,蒙神 賜一顆新心,才能坦然無懼地來到父神寶座前敬拜祂和向祂唱新歌,因此在一九九七年成立了新心音樂事工。

New Heart Music Ministries
With a burning passion for God and a willing heart to serve, a group of Christian musicians responded to His call and established New Heart Music Ministries in 1997 with the vision of “Ushering people into the presence of God through music.” We believe that only when a person places his faith in Christ, he will receive a new heart that enables him to approach the throne of grace with confidence to worship God and sing a new song to Him.


Ministry through Worship

新心藉著音樂來帶領基督徒敬拜神,也藉著音樂來將福音帶給未信主的朋友。我們的足跡遍及北美、南美、歐洲、及亞洲各地。負責主領敬拜的鄭浩賢牧師,結合詩歌與證道的事奉,帶領 新心團隊在各地分享敬拜的異象及邀請人回應那位呼召的神。不論是敬拜讚美大會或是音樂佈道會,我們一次又一次地經歷神的同在與祂帶領的大能,看到許多生命被改變及更新。

New Heart has led praise &
worship concerts, evangelistic meetings, conferences/retreats,
and Sunday services in many Chinese churches throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Through worship, we have witnessed God’s power to transform lives and renew minds
in Christ.


Ministry through Education

教育事工的推廣藉著新心基督教音樂學院在美國德州休士頓及新加坡開辦許多的個人與集體課程得以落實。學院從一九九七年成立至今,每年均在北美和亞洲,與華人教會和神學院同工 ,聯合舉辦敬拜研習會、聖樂營、弦樂營、和定點培訓課程來裝備各式音樂事奉的人才,直接訓練與栽培有心以音樂來服事的信徒們。

Through classes offered at the New Heart Christian School of Music in Houston as well as our Singapore and Taiwan offices, we strive to equip Christians with musical skills so that they can serve in their respective churches with sensitivity and humility. We also partner with various seminaries and churches to offer classes, seminars, and music camps.


Ministry through Publications

在敬拜資源方面,新心主要的製作包括國語、粵語、英語、聖誕、及純樂器詩歌演奏等敬拜專輯,結合古典聖詩的改編和全新詩歌,創作適合這世代華人教會敬拜的音樂。每一專輯並出版各樣歌 本、樂器譜、和伴唱光碟。其他的資源包括為團契/小組灌錄的伴唱光碟『同心敬拜』系列、佈道光碟、『來敬拜!』影碟、主領敬拜者訓練影碟、聖詩本『心頌』等。一系列敬拜手冊乃是集敬拜神學和音樂技巧 於一處的著作,幫助個人及教會發展一個合乎聖經教導的音樂敬拜生活。

One of our primary goals is to produce CDs, songbooks, and other resources that will help churches and individuals to worship God. To date, New Heart has produced numerous Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Christmas, Instrumental, and Evangelistic worship albums. In addition, we have also produced DVDs, hymn books, worship manuals, and worship resources designed specifically for small groups.

Latest Albums

最新國語專輯Jesus My All

English Album
Savior of the World

Worship Sets

Worship Sets