Words from our Pastor

牧者心語 Words from our Pastor (2024-3)

「因為耶和華的言語正直;凡他所做的盡都誠實。他喜愛仁義公平;遍地滿了耶和華的慈愛。」(詩 33:4-5)因為耶和華神是他的神,詩人宣告他的生命是蒙福的。耶和華是信實的神、喜愛仁義公平、祂的慈愛永遠長存、祂的話語永遠堅定。在祂裡面沒有黑暗和詭詐,祂的應許永不落空,祂是良善的神,以忠誠的愛看顧祂的子民。對這樣的一位神合宜的回應,就是讚美和敬拜祂。同樣地,我們在基督裡面也擁有一個蒙福的生命,祂在任何環境中都帶領我們,以永不改變的愛來愛我們。所以,讓我們彼此勉勵,懷著盼望等候祂,因為祂是我們的幫助和盾牌。讓我們讚美祂奇妙的聖名,因為祂配受我們敬拜。你願不願意今天就信靠和敬拜祂呢?

“For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love” (Psalm 33:4-5). The psalmist proclaimed that his life is blessed because the Lord is his God. His God is faithful, loves righteousness and justice; His love is everlasting, and His word is true. There is no darkness nor deceit in Him. What He promises, He will do. He is good and He loves His people. The only appropriate response to God is to praise and worship Him. Those of us who are in Christ Jesus are blessed beyond measure as well. He guides us in all circumstances, and He loves us with an everlasting love. Therefore, let us encourage one another to wait in hope for Him because He is our help and our shield. Let us sing praises to His wonderful name because He is worthy of our worship. Would you trust Him and worship Him today?