New Heart Christian School of Music


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The New Heart Christian School of Music has been developing young musicians since 1997. Our philosophy is simple – we teach our students with love and patience, we provide a fun and educational experience, and we build bridges to the community through our music. We believe that music is food for the soul, and the gift of playing a musical instrument can enrich our lives and provide a lifetime of enjoyment. We welcome students of all ages and levels, and all of our lessons are given in our spacious music school which houses over 10 teaching rooms and a recital hall. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or drop by to visit us today!

一九九七年新心音樂事工成立時,新心基督教音樂學院也在我們秉持分享異象與承傳技巧的理念下同時成立,藉以提供高水準及全面性的音樂教育。在古典音樂的技巧和運用上,音樂學院提供一對一教學的鋼琴,小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,和聲樂課更透過聘用優良的基督徒老師們,不單是傳授音樂上的技巧,更委身於以基督的愛,誠實的心,和耐心來栽培學生們。在神的帶領下,過去的十多年新心為休士頓的社 區造就了無數的學生,他們當中許多人無論是在學校內的樂團或是在校外的比賽中,皆獲得優秀的獎項及有傑出的表現。也有一些學生進到大學音樂系繼續追求音樂 的學習,或在教會中以他們音樂的才華服事神。



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