
新心詩歌版權須知 New Heart Songs' Copyright Information



Thank you for respecting the copyright guidelines. We are able to compose and produce all of our worship resources because of your support. May God continue to use our songs to bring people into His presence, and may He use your service to bless many people for His kingdom. The copyright guidelines are divided according to U.S./Canada and other countries. There are also different usages fro churches and individual.


歌譜Music Sheet


Church/Christian Organization/Individual Use – Non-annual Fee (One Time Usage of Octavo / Singalong Score / Full Score / Instrumental Part)

- 適合教會,福音機構或個人使用 For church, Christian organization and individual

- 若貴教會/福音機構常常使用新心詩歌的主旋律譜,我們特別提供了『教會/福音機構年費制』的版權申請,請參考C項 Please consult C section about the annual license if your church needs to photocopy music sheet frequently


1. 可複印主旋律本 (Singalong Book) 及合唱本 (Choir Book) 內所有原版權屬新心音樂事工的詩歌, 亦可複印新心原作詩歌的總譜 (Full score) 及樂器單譜 (Instrumental Parts)。非新心原創作的詩歌請向其出版社申請使用。For photocopying music from New Heart's Singalong Book, Choir Book, Full Score and Instrumental Parts. Only limited to songs originally owned by New Heart. For non-New Heart original compositions, please contact the original publisher for permission to use.


2. Copyright fees 複印費用: Singalong Score 主旋律譜 US$0.50 each。Octavo/Choir Score 合唱譜 US$1.00 each。Full Score 總譜 US$6.00 each。Instrumental Part 樂器單譜 US$1.50 each. 


3. 請教會/團契自行記錄使用詩歌歌名及複印數量,六個月申報一次即可。Please keep your own record of songs being used and the number of the photocopy, and please send in the copyright form along with the copyright fee every 6 months.


4. 歌本裏面所附投影片版本可自行複印。Overhead master of the respective song in the Singalong Books can be photocopied.


5.『教會/福音機構使用─非年費制申請表』申請表 “Church/Christian Organization Use – Non-Annual Fee Application Form” Form




Retreat/Conference One-Time Use (Singalong Score)

- 適用於沒有申請年費制的教會/福音機構 For church and Christian organization without annual license

- 適用於聯合性的特別聚會 For combined special meetings and retreats


 1. Copyright Fee 版權使用費﹕US$30.00


2. 不限使用詩歌總數及複印數量 No limitation on total number of songs and quantity of the printed copy


3. 主旋律本 (Singalong Book) 內所有原版權屬新心音樂事工詩歌的歌詞與歌譜可自行複印在營會手冊內。非新心原創作的詩歌請向其出版社申請使用。Lyrics and music appear in New Heart Singalong Books can be photocopied on conference/retreat handbook Please do not reproduce songs which are not originally owned by New Heart, please contact the original publisher of the songs for permission to use.


4. 若要轉製成簡譜版或翻譯至其他語言,需先取得新心同意。譜上需要註明原作詞者、作曲者、及新心版權所有文字,並請勿更改原歌詞及旋律。For reproduction of the music to simplified music score or translation of the lyrics to other languages, please contact New Heart for prior approval. On all reproduction, please include name of the original composers, lyricists; please also include New Heart copyright information. Do not change the original word or music.


5.『退修會/營會一次性使用申請表』申請表 “Conference/Retreat- One-Time Use Application Form” Form




Church/Christian Organization Use – Annual FeeLicense (Singalong Score)

- 適合教會或福音機構使用 For church and Christian organization that need to photocopy music sheet frequently

- 於此年費制只限複印主旋律譜,包括教會內的活動,退修會或營會。

This license is limited to photocopy songs from the Singalong Books, but the license covers all the meetings and retreats within the church.

1. Annual Fee 年費﹕USA/Canada 美國/加拿大 US$65.00。Other Countries 其他國家 US$40.00  


2. 有效期限:以收到申請表和年費起一年內為有效期限。續約通知會在到期一個月前寄出。Effective period: Within one year from the date of receiving the form and the annual fee. Renewal notification will be sent one month prior to expiration. 


3. 適用範圍﹕教會崇拜、團契/小組聚會、教會內的退修會及其他聚會。Usage: Church worship, fellowship/small group meetings, church retreats and other church meetings 


4. 可使用之詩歌與方式 Songs allowed to use and method:

a. 主旋律本 (Singalong Book) 內所有原版權屬新心音樂事工的詩歌,其歌詞、歌譜、及投影片拷貝,可自行複印在教會程序單、小組歌本、和營會手冊內。非新心原創作的詩歌請向其出版社申請使用。All songs in New Heart Singalong Books which are originally copyrighted and owned by New Heart. Songs which are not originally owned by New Heart, please contact the original publisher of the songs for permission to use. Lyrics and music appear in New Heart Singalong Books can be photocopied on church bulletin, small group songbook and retreat handbook.


b. 聖詩一百首【心頌】,複印數量少於十五份。若需複印超過此數量,請與事工聯絡"Hymns of my Heart - 100 Hymns" - Please contact us if the quantity of photocopy from this Singalong Book exceeds 15 copies.


5. 不限使用詩歌總數及複印數量。No limitation on total number of songs and quantity of the printed copy


6. 若需將詩歌轉製成簡譜版或翻譯至其他語言使用,需先取得新心同意。需在譜上註明原作詞、作曲者、新心版權所有文字,並請勿更改原歌詞及旋律。For reproduction of the music to simplified music score or translation of the lyrics to other languages, please contact New Heart for prior approval. On all reproduction, please include name of the original composers, lyricists; please also include New Heart copyright information.


7. 以下產品及樂譜請勿複製,可向基督教書房或本事工洽購原版品。The following products and music cannot be reproduced, please contact local Christian bookstores or New Heart to purchase the original products:  

  • 敬拜光碟 CD、 伴唱光碟 Soundtrack、影碟 DVD
  • 合唱本 Choir Book ─ 請參閱教會/福音機構/個人使用-非年費制 Please see Church/Christian Organization/Individual—Non Annual Fee
  • 總譜及樂器單譜 Full Score and Instrumental Parts  ─ 請參閱教會/福音機構/個人使用-非年費制 Please see Church/Christian Organization/Individual—Non Annual Fee
  • 敬拜手冊 Worship Manuals



“Church/Christian Organization Use – Annual Fee Application Form” Form






Copyright New Heart Music Ministries. All Rights Reserved. 新心音樂事工版權所有

New Heart does not set up any copyright fee for using lyrics only. However, please indicate the song writer’s name and the copyright information on the printed materials or power point slides (Copyright New Heart Music Ministries. All Rights Reserved.) 



若您有任何問題,請隨時與我們的版權部門聯絡 ( 謝謝!

New Heart Music Ministries can not grant the photocopy rights for songs originally belong to other publishers. Please do not hesitate to contact our copyright department at ( if you have any questions regarding the copyright guidelines. Thank You!




Use for audio recording including re-recording or duplication of New Heart songs

請與新心聯絡 Please contact us at




Reproducing New Heart songs on other printed songbooks

請與新心聯絡 Please contact us at





New Heart Songs' Copyright FAQ


問:什麼情況下會涉及版權問題? 應如何合法地使用詩歌?






詞/曲:Yenn Chwen Er  余遠淳

Copyright © 2001 New Heart Music Ministries. All Rights Reserved.





A. 年費制:教會一旦取得使用書,可在有效期間內無限量地複印主旋律詩歌本原版權屬新心的樂譜。使用書並涵蓋了教會主辦的退修會/營會,主日崇拜,團契小組等任何需要轉印譜的敬拜節目。『年費制申請表』。

B. 非年費制:若教會不是常用新心的詩歌,就可使用非年費制的方式,以影印樂譜的數量來計算版權費。若數量過少,半年申報一次即可。『非年費制申請表』。

C. 退修會/營會使用:若教會或機構沒有申請年費制,希望在聯合舉辦的聚會中轉印新心的詩歌,可申請『退修會/營會一次性使用』。













